Thursday, May 05, 2005

today is fucking ridiculous

not that i'm going to donate sperm or anything, but this is fucking ridiculous. i just don't understand shit like this.

jennifer wilbanks has wasted so much of the nation's time and energy, and that makes her fucking ridiculous.

i'm not surprised, since this stuff happens all the time, but that doesn't make it any less fucking ridiculous. i don't care what people believe, but if you're gonna be a part of the modern world, there is no way you can teach your children that creationism is just as scientifically valid as evolution. you can't stop progress. get over yourselves.

texas lawmakers are fucking ridiculous. i think the stupidest part of the whole thing is that this is what people write their congressmen about. no, the stupidest part is that the congressmen have nothing better to do than to deliberate this shit.

happy fucking cinco de mayo.

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